Thursday, April 17, 2008

From the Website

//, Elton John in a performance in support of his favorite presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, a woman currently losing a battle against a man, albeit a man with a black father, brushed all of those who do not support Hillary as having a “misogynystic attitude”.

Currently manifesting myself as a white male who approaches the buddha of perfection in all such socio-political considerations (ahm), I would pick Obama over Clinton because he is so smart, fresh and well spoken and except for some old books and an activist minister and a short enough political career to have accumulated only a few edgy cohorts along the way, and fewer than average earmarks and exceptions for businesses in his district to get exemptions to national import taxes and the like, thus he has less historical baggage for our media industrial complex to waste our time conducting autopsies on, and she is, well, a carrier of so much Clinton baggage, deserved or not, it is time to move on. Same reason I would support McCain against any one named or related to the name Bush were that in play, thank goodness it isn’t. Were Gore or McCain or Bradley the President during 9/11 I think our circumstances would be better than they are now, although still confused as the world is in flux, not all of our doing and most of which is no longer in our control, if it ever was.

I say, enough of the Bush and Clinton eras, they have each spawned too many “creations” real or partisanly imagined, that would continue our gridlock and prevent our coming together as a nation. And, yes a little nationalism would be good, not the extreme kinds that have caused millions of deaths in the past century, but a little rationalism that would strengthen us and maybe even other nations who already mostly practice some form of nationalism today.

Some might say Elton’s remarks were racist, sexist and some may even say they evoked Misandry a term near and dear to my shuddering heart, being an innocent as previously indicated.

According to the Wiki, there are some who think that “dead white males” are the source of all evil. Reviewing this reminds me of a defunct effort some years ago began by someone who thought that the predominate theme in early internet jokes delivered by email was decidedly biased against men so he began an effort which unfortunately was an early victim of flaming and worse. Completely intimidated and fearful for his life, he had a sex change in Trinidad, Colorado, stole someone else’s identity and moved to another country. A travesty, for if only his thoughtful movement had been given a chance to be heard and rationally debated, no doubt the continuing acrimonious debate and tensions between still waring parties could only have been at least a step ahead of where they are today. A posthumous honor to his “International Movement Against Negative Commentary On Men Everywhere”.

Stop guessing. But it was not Bill Mayer.